Can’t make employers cover contraception: Justices

The US Supreme Court on Monday ruled that some corporations can hold religious objections that allow them to opt out of the new health law requirement that they cover contraceptives for women.

The justices’ 5-4 decision is the first time that the high court has ruled that profit-seeking businesses can hold religious views under federal law. And it means the Obama administration must search for a different way of providing free contraception to women who are covered under objecting companies’ health insurance plans.

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World condemns killing of three Israeli teenagers

As bodies of the three missing Israeli teenagers were discovered by Israel’s security forces near the West Bank city of Hebron Monday evening, the killings evoked denouncement from different parts of the world.

In a statement, US President Barack Obama mourned the deaths of Eyal Yifrach, Gilad Shaer and Naftali Frankel, who also held American citizenship, Xinhua reported.

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1. Ask Allah to enable you to reach Ramadan and to get the most out of it as the Salaf (Pious Predecessors) used to do.

2. Intend to fast every day with Iman and pure intention seeking the reward from Allah alone. The Prophet peace be upon him said, “Whoever fasts in Ramadan with Iman and seeking reward (from Allah) his past sins will be forgiven”. (Bukhari)

3. Read the whole Qur’an at least once as the Prophet peace be upon him did.

4. Have Suhoor as the Prophet peace be upon him said, “Have Suhoor because it is blessed”.

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