A glimpse of Syncretic culture: Muharram and Dussehra have a lot in common July 28, 2023 by JS Ifthekhar
Growing numbers of Muslims in Western Europe—should it be a cause for concern? July 11, 2023 by JS Ifthekhar
Imprisoned Palestinians ‘smuggle out sperms’ to bear children with wives July 1, 2023 by JS Ifthekhar
Senior police officer Tafseer Iqbal asks medical education aspirants to be compassionate June 25, 2023 by JS Ifthekhar
Indian Haj pilgrims unhappy over lack of facilities at Azizia buildings in Makkah June 16, 2023 by JS Ifthekhar
Places of Worship Act is first priority of Muslim Personal Law Board: Maulana Rahmani June 8, 2023 by JS Ifthekhar
New pressure group of Muslims emerges in Telangana Congress; seeks greater representation May 29, 2023 by JS Ifthekhar
Telangana: Those who gave Taj Mahal are being targeted, laments Home Minister May 20, 2023 by JS Ifthekhar
Telangana: Waqf Board owns 77K acre land, 35K institutions worth Rs 5L cr but earns pittance May 9, 2023 by JS Ifthekhar
Hyderabad: Masjid-e-Azizia to allow women to attend congregational Friday prayers May 6, 2023 by JS Ifthekhar
Al Mahad Al Aali Al Islami: A seminary where modern subjects are also taught March 7, 2023 by JS Ifthekhar
Celebrating Ajit’s birth centenary: Saara sheher mujhe lion ke naam se jaanta hai January 26, 2023 by JS Ifthekhar
Stars sparkled when the old boys met to celebrate 150th year of Madrasa-i-Aliya January 8, 2023 by JS Ifthekhar
Aliya: 150 and still going strong; among the Aliyans are both kings and commoners January 6, 2023 by JS Ifthekhar