Endowment Minister A Indrakaran Reddy, Home Minister N Narsimha Reddy today said that Rs 10 cr will be spent for peaceful conduct of Bonalu festival in twin cities. Elaborate arrangements are being made for the mega event they said.
They held a review meeting on Bonalu along with Excise Minister Padama Rao Goud, Animal Husbandry Minister T Srinivas Yadav, Mayor B Rammohan, Goveernment Advisor KV Ramanachary, Deputy Mayor Baba Fasiyuddin, MP Malla Reddy, MLAs, MLCs of political parties and officials of departments at Secretariat here. Later they told media persons that the government releasing Rs 10 cr for conducting the Bonalu festival in a grand manner. The officials were directed to make arrangements avoiding inconvenience to the devotees they said and urged the temple committees to cooperate with officials for peaceful conduct of the festivities.
Besides sprucing up the temples with lights and decoration, nearby roads will be repaired, sanitation drive at temple premises will be done regularly while police will provide necessary security. 100 buses will ply specially to reach the temples and metro water works and officials were directed to clean sewage lines and take steps against water clogging on roads using special teams. The government will send silk clothes to the temples on the occasion and festivities will be ideal to other districts. (NSS)