Health Minister Dr C Lakshma Reddy today released “Palamuru Darshanam” a documentary at Secretariat here. Speaking on the occasion he said that the documentary depicts the complete information of Telangana. He appreciated a team of Vennela Sahitya Akademi of Nagarkurnool under Telangana Vikasa Samithi for the documentary in the form of DVD. The Documentary has all information pertaining to social, political, literary and cultural activities and favourite tourist destinations and spots and main incidents to be seen. It focuses on rich art, culture of the region comprising forts, citadels, resources, historic structures, monuments, rivers, temples, mosques, churches and eminent personalities, lifestyle, people and freedom fighters.
Planning Commission deputy chairman, Niranjan Reddy, MLA Srinivas Goud, press academy chairman Allam Narayana, Torusim secretary BVenkatesham, poet Desapathi Srinivas and others were present.(NSS)