Zahid Ali Khan distributes Senior Citizen Cards

Hyderabad: Mr. Zahid Ali Khan, Editor of Siasat Urdu Daily distributed more than 70 cards to senior citizens belonging to various castes and religions. The function was organized by “Siasat Helpline”.

Mr. Syed Khalid Mohiuddin Asad, Coordinator conducted the program. Mr. Zahid Ali Khan advised the workers of Helpline center to send the cards of the absentees by post.

It may be mentioned that for the past five years, Helpline Center of Siasat Urdu Daily has been providing guidance to senior citizens for getting their cards. This card serves as identification for getting train tickets booked. Such persons need not stand in queues. In buses and trains, seats are reserved for senior citizens.

The persons who attended the function thanked Mr. Zahid Ali Khan for providing this facility which is free of cost for everyone.

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