Animal Husbandry Minister Talasani Srinivas Yadav today said a meeting with some 10 lakh Yadavas from across the State will be conducted at Gymkhana Grounds in Secunderabad on April 29. Christened as “Golla and Kuruma Prabhanjanam”, the meeting was meant for thanksgiving to Chief Minister K Chandrasekhar Rao, who was striving for welfare of the community, he said.
Talking to mediapersons after holding a meeting with Yadav associations at the Secretariat here today, Talasani said the meeting will be attended by the people of Golla and Kurumas from all districts in Telangana State. A wide ranging publicity will be conducted through wall posters and wall paintings in the villages and districts, he said. “We will soon meet Chief Minister K Chandrasekhar Rao to address the meeting of the Yadavas”, he said. Coordination committees were formed for the program to gather the Gollas and Kurumas from all villages, towns and districts in large numbers. These committees will tour on April 11to address meetings at village, mandal and division level to create awareness among the Yadavas and inform them about the importance of the sheep scheme.
With KCR announcing an MLC post to Kurum Association president Yegge Mallesham and a Yadava leader to Rajya Sabha, future of Yadavas will change totally, he said. He asked the Yadava association leaders to conduct preparatory meetings in the districts and towns for the State-level meeting to be addressed by the Chief Minister. Srinivas Yadav also said he will tour the districts in April first week.
The State government, he said, has been implementing Sheep scheme for the benefit and welfare of the Yadava community. The Yadavas are getting rich by making use of this scheme and leading better lives, he said. The credit of implementing several welfare schemes goes to the Chief Minister who spent Rs 5000 crore on sheep distribution scheme. Besides, he granted Rs 10 crore for constructing a Yadava Bhavan in 10 acre are at Kokapet in Hyderabad. The scheme was fructified as 47 lakh sheep distributed to the beneficiaries yielded 15 lakh sheep, he said.
The minister also alleged that during the past 70 years, no previous government implemented such welfare schemes for the cause of the community and caste-based people. However, the KCR Government in just three-and-a-half years, came up with several schemes of welfare and the people are very happy with them, he claimed.
Shadnagar MLA Anjaiah Yadav, State Yadava Federation president Rajaiah Yadav and others were present. (NSS)