Chief Minister K. Chandrasekhar Rao announced ex gratia of Rs 5 lakh to the kin of the family one Srujana, wife of Nagesh of Nutankal village of Suryapet District, who died after a She died when an iron gate hit her head when she peeped out of window of the bus she was traveling in a bus.
On knowing about the incident the Chief Minister expressed his grief and conveyed his condolences to the bereaved family. It may be mentioned here that the deceased was on return journey to her village after participating in Bathukamma celebrations at L.B. Stadium on Tuesday.
Dr K.V. Ramanachary, IAS (R), Advisor to Govt has expressed his grief over the unfortunate death of the housewife Srujana, wife of Nagesh of Nutankal village of Suryapet District. (NSS)