Mumbai, June 12: The latest buzz in the Bollywood rumour mill is that actor Salman Khan wants to extend his friendly hand to Shahrukh Khan. Sallu bhai has gone a step further and planning to invite his arch rival rival Bollywood King Khan to his popular show 10 Ka Dum.
Buzz up!
It is well known to everyone that all these days Sallu mia is in news for his quarreling nature. Earlier, both Sallu and Shahrukh had fought in front of everyone. They had even exchanged bad remarks publicly. He had also fought with Vivek Oberoi, Abhishek Bachchan, John Abraham and Aamir Khan. As if this is not enough, he had avoided his girlfriend Katrina Kaif from meeting and talking to these actors.
In a recent interview to a website, Salman Khan has made it clear that he wants to be friendly with all these actors. Are Bhai! What happened to Sallu mia all of a sudden?
The simple reason behind his changed mood is that he is started with his next season on 10 Ka Dum. It is his responsibility to popularize the show. He needs to create more interest among the audiences. So he is looking for more popular faces on the show. Shahrukh is the most popular face in the industry. Bringing him on the show would definitely make a difference on the show.
When asked about whether he is really planning to invite Shahrukh on the show 10 Ka Dum, he said, “Not only Shahrukh, I’ll even bring in Aamir and John Abraham on the show.”
Is Salman changing his attitude for the show?
However, the answer to this question may not be so important. But the significant thing about Sallu is that he is finally come forward to end his enmity with the popular celebs of the industry. Lets wish him good luck.