Welfare party of India shuns BJP’s appeasement policy to attract Hindu vote bank ahead of LS elections

New Delhi: Welfare Party of India condemned the BJP government of adopting hindutva politics by going on name changing spree to distract people from the actual developmental agenda.

National President of the Welfare party of India, Dr SQR Ilyas said, the BJP government has failed the people of India by their poor performance and now wants to polarise them on religious lines by taking up non issues like replacing the muslim names with vedic names of cities, roads, railway stations, just ahead of Lok Sabha elections.

Answering to BJP minister’s claim that other political parties too changed names in the past ,Dr Ilyas said there is a difference as those parties did not target any specific community/sect or incite communal passions.

He called this act of BJP government as only symbolism/tokenism and wondered how it will help the majority community or revive Hinduism.

He also rejected the claim made by the BJP ministers that Muslim rulers deliberately changed the Hindu names and replaced them with Muslim names to wipe out Hindu tradition and said history bears witnessed that most of the cities were established and named by Muslim kings or their men for the first time, later roads and railway stations were also named after muslim kings by the British.

He said, India is a land of diversity and the present day India is an amalgamation of different cultures, traditions and languages and one cannot deny this truth.

Dr Ilyas reminded the BJP government the immense contribution of the Muslim rulers especially in the field of art & architecture and added any wishful thinking by the BJP party cannot change the true historic discourse of this country.

He asked BJP party to rise above petty and sectarian politics and implored the people of the country not to be fooled by these tactics of the government and defeat fascist BJP party from coming to power.