Lucknow: UP Shia Waqf Board Chairman, Waseem Rizvi has announced to produce a film on Hazrat Ayesha, wife of Prophet Mohammed (PBUH). It has invited opposition from Muslim organizations.
Religious and social activists raised their voice against the movie:
Religious and social activists, in one voice, are demanding imposing ban on the production of this movie. They said that he is making an attempt to create rift among various sects of the Muslims and also defaming Islam.
They condemned the statement issued by Rizvi in which he has given the details that Sonam Tripathi will play the role of Hazrat Ayesha.
General Secretary of Ulema-e-Hind, Maulana Kalbe Jawad in his Friday sermon condemned this act of Waseem Rizvi and demanded the Govt. to impose a ban on its production.
Imam of Eidgah, Maulana Khalid Rashid Faringimahli told the media persons that producing any film on the holy personalities like the wives of Prophet Mohammed (PBUH) is condemnable. The personality of Hazrat Ayesha is such that Allah (SWT) Himself praised her character in the Quran. She is treated as Ummul Momineen (Mother of the Muslims).
Shaista Amber also condemned the act:
Ms. Shaista Amber, Founder of Women’s Muslim Personal Law Board expressed her surprise that how can one think of producing a film on the holy personality of Hazrat Ayesha.