City Police Commissioner Anjani Kumar, IPS, ordered detention of notorious burglar Manthri Shankar alias Shivanna of Saidabad Police Station under P.D. Act on May 3.
On May 4 the Saidabad police executed the PD order against Manthri Shankar and sent to Chanchalguda Central Prison here.
Police said Manthri Shankar, who was born and brought up in Chilkalguda, Secunderabad, attained notoriety in committing burglaries and has been creating panic in the minds of general public in various colonies under the limits of Hyderabad and Rachakonda Police Commissionerates. He was involved in more than 250 offences. In the recent past, Shankar committed 11 burglaries under the limits of various police stations of Hyderabad and Rachakonda Police Commissionerates along with his associate Shaik Obaid disturbing public order.
The Saidabad Police, along with sleuths of Commissioner’s Task Force, South Zone, arrested the criminal on February 5 this year. At his instance, police recovered the stolen gold ornaments weighing about 370 gram, cash of Rs 3,20,000 and a Bajaj Avenger vehicle all worth Rs 15 lakh.
The Police Commissioner also invoked provisions of PD Act against Shaik Obaid, burglar of Saidabad on May 3. Next day, the Saidabad police arrested Shaik Obaid of Tadban, Bahadurpura and sent to Central Prison, Chanchalguda.
Police said Shaik Obaid was a notorious rowdy sheeter of Kalapathar Police and was involved in 17 offences, including attempt to murders, riotings, robberies and criminal intimidation. While in prison, he befriended burgler Manthri Shankar and joined him in committing 11 burglaries. The Saidabad police arrested him on February 13. On his confession, the police recovered the booty. (NSS)