Twitterers angry after alleged gang-rape of a pregnant goat

New Delhi: Twitterers expressed grave concern and some event vented out their anger days after a pregnant goat died after being allegedly gang-raped.

The animal was allegedly gangraped by eight men in Haryana.

A #JusticeForGoat campaign has been launched on twitter, where thousands of concerned twitterers are tweeting every second.

A user who was angry about this recent development vented out his anger on twitter
“Wtf is government doing in India , some muslim people crossed all the line , come on can’t someone take an action against these people ? #JusticeForGoat”

One user, wrote, ” #JusticeForGoat – It’s time people realize that not everyone in the shape of a human is a real human, regardless of what the law says – ???”

Another user, who is an ardent fan of the movies tweeted, “Bollywood should make a movie on this with all the real names of the characters. #JusticeForGoat”

A concerned citizen , tweeted, “#Humanity_Shames #JusticeForGoat #JusticeForCow”

A user who is concerned about the safety of animals expressed his opinion.
He wrote, “#JusticeForGoat Even animals are not safe what is going on here?”

On July 29, a complaint was registered against eight men in Haryana’s Mewat district for allegedly gang-raping a pregnant goat, who later died.

The incident took place on the night of July 25. (ANI)