Mumbai: TV actress Shruti Ulfat has been arrested after she posed with a cobra and posted pictures and a video on social media. She was granted bail by a court in suburban Borivali today.
Thane forest department yesterday arrested the actress for posing with a cobra and posting the pictures as well as a video online in October 2016.
She was produced before a court here today which granted her bail on a bond of Rs 5,000.
“It was alleged that she deals in endangered species and makes profit from it. But as a professional actor all she had done was to promote her TV serial on social media platforms,” said Shruti’s lawyer Sunny Punamiya.
Shruti had allegedly shared the photos and video on instagram and twitter when she was shooting for the TV serial ‘Nagarjuna- Ek Yoddha’.
Wildlife activists had filed complaints against her after those posts went viral, which led to a registration of case against her. The cobra is a protected species under the Wildlife Protection Act.