Information Technology Minister K. Tarakarama Rao said that the TRS cadre would not rest until they completely wipe off Congress party from Telangana State.
KTR said it was strange that the TDP and YSRCP were openly supporting the Congress party in Palair by-elections while both the parties were formed to oppose Congress. He described the alliance between Congress, TDP and YSRCP as ‘unholy’ and expressed confidence that TRS candidate Tummala Nageshwara Rao would win the election with a thumping majority.
It may be mentioned that by-elections for Palair Assembly segment were necessitated due to the sudden demise of MLA Ramreddy Venkatreddy. The Congress party has nominated Ramreddy’s widow Sucharitha Reddy as its candidate and both TDP and YSRCP have withdrawn from contest in her favour. BJP is not contesting the Palair by-elections. (INN)