Hyderabad: TRS rejected the allegations of Congress in connection with the purchase of vehicles for police. Govt. Whip, Mr. P. Rajeshwar Reddy, while talking to newsmen yesterday told that the vehicles have been purchased as per the price fixed by the Director General of Supplies and Disposals under “Rate Contract” basis. In this matter, no financial irregularity has been committed. For the past few days, Mr. Jai Ram Ramesh, Mr. Digvijay Singh and Mr. Surjewala are making a false propaganda.
He further told that in order to modernize the functioning of police, 300 Innova vehicles were provided to police in the first phase. These vehicles were purchased according to the rates fixed by Govt. by placing a direct order to Toyota factory.
In the second phase Govt. decided to purchase 394 vehicles for which orders were placed to M/S Radha Krishna Motors since the rate contract arrangement was expired. In purchasing these vehicles, no irregularity has been committed. However, he admitted long back Mr. KTR was the owner of a company. No transaction has been made through this company. He said that Congress leaders are making an attempt to tarnish the image of TRS by making false propaganda.
–Siasat News