Trolls on flash mob of Hijab girls: Kerala Women’s commission steps in

Kerala: The women’s commission of Kerala asked the Police to take stringent actions against those trolling Hijab clad Muslim girls who participated in flash mob.
The flash mob was organized on December 1st to spread awareness on World Aids day.

M C Josephine, the chairperson of Women’s Commission said that trolls on social media were an insult to the dignity of Women and hurt the sentiments of the State.

On December 1st, several programmes were organized by the health department of Mallapuram district and one among them was flash mobs.

YouTube video

The students were from Educare Dental College. They were among 50 students from the campus were part who of the AIDS awareness event.

Gopalan Kutty, the college’s mass media officer (of the health department) said: “The College volunteered to take part in the awareness programme. Of the 50 students, 15 participated in the flash mobs. In one performance, only three girls participated. Unfortunately, the video of that show was circulated on social media. In the other flash mobs, there were girls from Hindu, Muslim and Christian communities. In fact, the college had come forward to conduct the flash mobs.’’

However, general secretary of Samastha Kerala Sunni Students’ Federation Nazer Faisy Koodathai, said that a religion cannot be blamed for comments by orthodox elements of a community.
He further added that “Religious scholars and preachers have the freedom to speak on an action as right or wrong. Islam does not encourage women dancing in public. However, it is up to each person to accept or refuse it.’’

R J Sooraj, a radio jockey in Doha, was also trolled for his comments on the issue. He asked why were those who speak about the freedom of Hadiya (a Muslim convert whose nullified marriage is being heard by the Supreme Court) not respecting the freedom of these girls. He too came under fire from trolls.

Later, Sooraj tendered his apology due to the displeasure of the radio show’s management in Doha. He said that “In the past, I have never tried to defame any religion. I will never do so. Please consider this as a mistake. My politics has never been aligned with RSS-BJP-Sangh Parivar…. I have had Communist leanings. I will never take up such issues again. I realised that this issue has crossed limits and is even being given a communal tinge. That was not my intent.”