New Delhi: A trial court has sent the son of former Union minister, Karti Chidambaram, to a 12-day custody in Tihar jail on Monday. Karti will be now kept in remand till March 24. His pleas for separate cell, washroom and home cooked food were also turned down.
The CBI Special Judge, Sunil Rana, denied the request for a separate cell and washroom, saying it would lead to Karti being “treated differently than other accused persons”, quoted News18.
The counsel appearing for Karti, Dayan Krishan, said that “he is the son of former union home minister and many terrorists have been prosecuted during his (P Chidambaram) tenure and there is a clear threat perception to Karti”.
“His father P Chidambaram has dealt with stringent penal laws including TADA and MCOCA, posing a huge security threat to Karti. He needs to be secured in a separate prison and be given a separate bathroom. He cannot be exposed to any of these criminals,” Krishan said.
CBI then argued in opposition to the plea for separate cell on the ground of ‘threats’, and said if at all they were threats, they would be for P Chidambaram and not for Karti.
Karti was arrested in connection with the INX media case from Chennai Airport on February 28 on his arrival from the United Kingdom. He was first sent to the CBI custody, where he was being interrogated till now.