The Hyderabad Traffic Police are offering a Dasara Bonanza to the vehicle riders. The vehicle riders can pay half of the penalty they received from Traffic Police. They have to attend the ‘Adalath’ to pay half of the penalty they received from the police and it will be conducted by the Traffic Police from October 5 to 7 at Goshamahal Police Stadium.
It may be recalled that the Traffic Police toughened the rules towards vehicle riders, who violate the rules by jumping signal, rash driving, driving while speaking over phone and wrong parking, to control the accidents and introduced points system. The Police will cancel the license, if the vehicle drivers cross the points limit fixed by the police. The vehicle drivers were getting e-challans everyday for violating traffic rules. Pending challans play key role when the vehicle owners sell their vehicle. The new owners have to get a no objection certificate (NOC) to get the vehicle registered from transport department. The Traffic Police also contemplating to organize awareness programs to the people in this regard.
The Traffic ACP A Ranganath has asked the vehicle drivers to utilize the opportunity without fail. He also said that payment of Rs.1000 was enough even though the vehicle riders have huge amounts of penalty in their name.