Hyderabad: Telangana Chief Secretary Dr Rajiv Sharma on Friday directed the senior officials of various departments to be vigilant for another couple of days following the heavy rains that lashed different parts of the State on Thursday night.
At a review meeting held with the officials in his chambers at the Secretariat on the damage caused due to the heavy rains, the Chief Secretary asked them to take immediate relief measures to restore the power and water supply wherever they are disturbed.
Principal Secretary (Revenue) BR Meena, Principal Secretary (Animal Husbandry) Suresh Chanda, Principal Secretary (Roads and Buildings) Sunil Sharma, Secretary (Forest and Environment) Vikas Raj, GHMC Commissioner Dr. B. Janardhan Reddy, I&PR Commissioner Navin Mittal, Metro Rail MD NVS Reddy, Hyderabad Police Commissioner M. Mahender Reddy, DG (Fire Services) Rajiv Ratan and TSSPDCL CMD Raguma Reddy were among those who attended the meeting.
As a precautionary measure, the Chief Secretary directed the GHMC officials to be cautious about the dilapidated and unauthorized constructions and initiate action against such constructions immediately. He said that the debris be cleared on a war footing basis by engaging special teams for free flow of traffic. Focus should be laid on the sanitation too, he said. He further directed the officials to attend the damages to hoardings on the roads. Metro Rail officials informed that sheets were blew off at Miyapur and site was cleared.
The officials informed the Chief Secretary that 359 trees got uprooted in the rains of which 282 were already cleared and the remaining will be in the morning. Water that got stagnated in the 266 places, they said and informed him that of these 250 were already cleared. Pump sets at 10 places were engaged to clear the water stagnation. Water supply officials said that there is shortage of 25 MG supply which will be restored by Saturday.
The power officials informed the Chief Secretary that supply was restored upto 11 KV and transmitting power supply to 95 percent, rest will be restored in the morning. They further informed that they are providing power to 95 percent of LT connections. Chief Secretary wanted the damaged poles be removed immediate so that no inconvenience is caused to the road-users.
The Chief Secretary said that the Disaster Management Authority be reconstituted by including the GHMC Commissioner on the panel. He wanted the damage caused to the poultry and horticulture sector. Dr. Rajiv Sharma was particular that the officials should attend the calls from the public for any assistance. (INN)