Teacher slaps kindergarten student

Hyderabad, August 14: Close on the heels of a headmistress of a government school inflicting burns with a firewood on 12 students in Jamandlapalli village of Mahabubabad mandal in Warangal district, a teacher of a private school in the city allegedly slapped a two-and-half-year old student resulting in injuries on the girl’s face.

Though the incident took place yesterday, the parents of the child lodged a complaint with the police today against the teacher.

According to Humayunagar police inspector P Madhukar Swamy, the girl, Prachi, was studying kindergarten in the Martial public school located at Vijayanagar.

Yesterday, as usual, Anand Kumar, father of Prachi picked her up Prachi from the school and dropped her at the house. Prachi’s mother Sujata noticed some scratches on the baby’s cheeks and eyebrows. When asked how she suffered the injuries, Prachi told her mother that he was slapped by her teacher Alia Parvin in the school.

The angry parents went to the school to take up the matter with the management but by the time the school was closed for the day.

Today morning, they went to the school but did not get a proper reply from them. As the management did not take the issue seriously, Anand Kumar lodged a case with the Humayunagar police.
