Is tea just hot,reviving or peely wally?

London, April 29: Britons, who drink an estimated 165 million cups of tea every day, find it difficult to describe how a good cup of tea tastes like. Most said “hot” while some said it was “peely wally”.

Over 2,000 people participated in the survey led by Li Wei, a professor at Birkbeck College, University of London.

“The most frequently used words describe the personal experience of drinking tea rather than the taste,” The Sun Thursday quoted Wei as saying.

Most of the respondents said it was “hot” or just “nice”.

Tea was said to be “calming” by those who were under 20 and nearly half of those who were over 60 described it as “reviving”.

Some of those who were surveyed said a cup of tea was “wazzy” if it was weak while others called strong tea “brickie’s tea” or “brown paint”. Scots said it was “peely wally”, a term to describe something as pale or sickly.