‘Sweet alcohol’ gets a thumbs up from consumers

New Delhi, August 18: The alcohol market in India might be a bastion of wines and beers, but the lesser known alcoholic beverage ‘liqueur’ is slowly carving a niche among consumers with its unique aroma and lower alcoholic content.

The word ‘liqueur,’ derived from the Latin word ‘liquefacere’ means ‘to disolve or melt’. Often synonymous with cordials, liquers are available in different flavours and sweetened through distillation with a base of alcohol.

“Liqueurs are slowly becoming popular,” says Nischal Gurung, Director, Boozemechanics, school of bar and beverages based in the national capital.

Experts in the industry feel that the liqueur market has been steadily growing in India with a prosperous future ahead.

“Liqueurs individually and in cocktails have a 20 per cent market share in India because of its class and aroma,” says M S Kiroula, Group Beverages Manager of Welgrow Group.