Hyderabad, April 30: Central Crime Station (CCS) police on Friday filed a chargesheet in Nampally court against 4 accused of Maddelacheruvu Suryanarayana alias Suri’s murder case.
Bhanu Kiran, the prime suspect is declared absconding in the chargesheet.
According to CCS sources, inspector CCS Mr. A T Anand Kumar on Friday filed chargesheet before 12th additional chief metropolitan magistrate against accused Subbaiah, Manmohan Singh, Venkata Ramanaiah and Hari Babu.
It should be recalled that 39-year-old faction leader and TDP MLA Paritala Ravi murder case accused Suri had been shot dead in a moving car on January 3.
Police identified eight to nine benami properties of Suri, which were registered in the name of Bhanu. A separate chargesheet will be filed in the court after Bhanu’s arrest.
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