Chief Minister K Chandrasekhar Rao today directed the officials of electricity to provide nine hours power to agriculture in Kharif besides supplying uninterrupted power to domestic, business and industrial sectors.
He held a high level review meeting of power sector in the New Year. KCR also aksed the officials to reach the target of producing 25000 MW power by 2018. Our priority is to see that Telangana becomes surplus state in power sector by 2018, KCR reiterated. The officials should expedite the process to ensure nine hours power supply to farm sector during Kharif season as promised, he said. The officials informed him about the progress of the power production and sources and efforts being made. In addition to existing 4445 mw capacity we will produce another 4600 mw by 2016 end and officials have to speed up the process he said. Officials said that Bhupalapally unit of 600 MW will be inaugurated on Jan 5 and 1200 mw will be available at Jaipur (Singareni) and 800 mw Solar Power by April they apprised to the chief minister. By year end Telangana will get 2000 mw solar power and working to produce 4600 mw target.(NSS)