Mumbai, April 29: Read on, it’s all easy to follow and very encouraging! 1. It’s summer time and our body gets dehydrated very fast in the scorching sun.
This makes us feel slow even before its evening. So it’s very important for one to drink plenty of water.
As it helps maintain our energy levels, flushes out all the toxins of the body and makes skin glow by keeping it clean and clear.
Remember to chuck the sodas and canned juices and instead carry bottles of water around! 2. All of us want to get in shape or maintain.
A good figure, but starvation diets are definitely not the way. One should remember not to skip any nutrients, especially carbohydrates.
They help your body regain its lost energy. Have a healthy mix of vitamins, minerals, proteins, carbohydrates and fats in your diet.
Eat everything in moderation. Eat your greens and drink milk. 3. All said and done, only dieting is not going to keep one healthy and fit.
Exercise, even if it is just simple cardio, is very essential. Make it a point to do some amount of exercise every day, even if it is just a brisk walk.
If you find going to the gym boring, do Yoga or play a sport. Be active. Dancing is super fun too. Go cycling or roller-blading. The key is that you should enjoy doing it. Being outdoors is a lot of fun and a very easy way to remain fit and healthy.
4. It’s very important to have a positive self-image. If you’re mentally at peace with the way you look now, it’ll be easier to shed those extra pounds. Love your body, praise it and encourage it. Celebrate every kg you’ve lost and each muscle mass that you gain.
Embrace your curves. Be happy. Enjoy eating good, healthy foods. Wear clothes that you are comfortable in. Clothes that make you feel special, pretty, confident, sexy and beautiful. Your opinion of yourself is what counts the most!
5.It’s fine to have foods which have natural sugar content, like fruits. But avoid sugar supplements; it’ll be easier to burn off the extra calories. Avoid using too much oil and eating fried, junk food. Don’t fall for everything that says low-fat or sugar-free. Read up on fitness and train with a reputable or reliable trainer.
6. And the most important of all. Truly care for yourself. Believe in yourself and try different things to keep yourself motivated. Never give up or think that you cannot do it. The key-mantra is to have a positive attitude towards everything in life. Because, psychological fitness is as important as physical health.