Hyderabad: Officials of Education Department who helped in transfer of Sarva Shiksha Abhyan funds to ‘Fake’ Religious Madrasas have been suspended. Orders were issued in this connection on Tuesday. 4 Deputy Inspector of Schools were suspended and soon action will be taken against beneficiaries while demanding money from them. On the direction of Regional Joint Director, Mr. Somi Reddy, Deputy Education Officer Hyderabad, issued suspension orders against Deputy Inspector of School Bandlaguda, D Yellaiah, Deputy Inspector of School Asif Nagar, Mohammed Rizwanullah, Deptuy Inspector of School Musheerabad, Indrajeet and Deputy Inspector of School Nampally, Srinivas Chari with immediate effect.
Panic prevailed among the in charges who have gobbled up lakhs of rupees in connivance with the said officials, following the action taken against the officials who certified the attendances without proper verification for release of honorarium. Of the officials against whom action was suggested, action has been taken against some of them while some are being protected by the department. It has been reported that they allegedly enjoy political patronage.
It must be noted that in order to ensure that funds are reaching the right beneficiaries, attendance registers of VVs and students are required. It was revealed that beneficiaries of several madras were none other than the family members of the organisor of the madrasas himself. It was found out that in a madrasa in old city, a person was receiving salary as the in charge while all his all family members including wife, daughter and son in law were getting honourarium as Vidya Volunteers while in fact no madrasa was running at the said address. Similarly in another madrasa nephews were enrolled as Vidya Volunteers.
It must be noted that in an effort to bring madrassa students into the mainstream, the Sarva Shiksha Abhyan (SSA) provides financial assistance to madrasas which have registered with it. The SSA also pays Rs 7,000 to Vidya Volunteers (VVs) who teach subjects like Mathematics and English to these students.
Siasat report