Hyderabad: Body of a spotted deer was found in the University of Hyderabad (UoH) on Thursday morning. The deer has suspected bullet wounds. The area comes under the jurisdiction of Gachibowli police station.
Times of India has quoted Ravi Jillapalli, founder of Wild Lens, an in-house group working for animal safety as saying, “It is a clear case of poaching. There are about two injuries on the carcass which clearly depict gunshot wounds. SATS is an isolated area which belongs to the state government. There have been cases of poaching inside SATS in the past as well,”
SATS is the State government’s Sports Authority of Telangana State located inside the University of Hyderabad.
Some workers spotted the carcass and informed Security personnel of the university. The case is investigated by anti-poaching squad of the forest department.