Hyderabad: South Zone police led by DCP South Zone V Satyanarayana conducted cordon and search operation against illegal financers. During the operation, 5 people including Makhdoom, Ehteshaam, Mujeeb and Akram of Bhavani Nagar were arrested while 20 people were arrested from Falaknuma division. 12 cases were registered against them. These loan sharks were giving the loan to the needy on high interest rates in view of Eid-ul-Fitr. They collect their documents and other items as surety and make them sign on plain stamp paper and also make them sign on plain cheques.
DCP South Zone told that 25 teams were set up who identified illegal financers through geo-tagging. 35 people were interrogated, 9 were booked under section 420 and Money Lending Act.