Hyderabad: Dalit-Muslim unity was exhibited at the Iftaar Party hosted by Siasat Urdu Daily at Osmania University on 13th June. Thousands of Dalit and Muslim students attended the party. It was organized in collaboration with Minorities Scholars’ and Intellectuals’ Forum of OU.
Mr. Zaheeruddin Ali Khan, Managing Editor of Siasat Urdu Daily monitored the arrangements. Mr. Shafeeq-uz-Zaman, IAS (Rtd.), Major SGM Qadri, Prof. PL Vishvashwar Rao, Prof. Narendra Kumar, Dr. Asma Zehra, Prof. Joshi, Mr. Iftekhar Ahmed (Advocate) and others attended the party.
Students and members of the faculty applauded the efforts of Siasat for hosting this party. Non-Muslim professors highlighted the importance of the month of Ramadan and fasting. They said that Telangana is a State where Ganga-Jamuna Civilization could be observed. It will form precedent to the entire country.
It may be mentioned that Siasat has been organizing Iftaar party for the past few years and the number of students attending the party is increasing every year.
Mr. Zaheeruddin Ali Khan was offered a shawl as gratitude by the students. Shaik Faheem, Shaik Osman and other students made the arrangement for the Iftaar party.
–Siasat News