TDP Telangana women cell president Bandru Shobharani demanded chief minister K Chandrasekhar Rao to suspend his party MLA Shankar Nayak who misbehaved with a woman district collector Preethi Meena in Warangal district.
KCR should show his sincerity towards women by suspending Shankar Nayak, she said and expressed concern that there is no woman member in the cabinet to explain our woes .
Speaking to media Shobharani asked the state government to order a probe into the incident involving TRS MLA Shankar Nayak by a woman police officer of the rank of Inspector General.
The TDP women cell president said the intensity of the situation can be gauged with the meeting of 60 IAS officers who discussed about the harassment meted out to a woman IAS officer.
She condemned the act of police on the incident as MLA Shankar Nayak was arrested and released on station bail.(NSS)