New Delhi: The all-time vocal, former Indian Police Service officer, Sanjiv Bhatt has in a tweet appreciated the ‘coexistence’ (of different religions) by taking an example of the presence of prominent temples in a Muslim dominated country Indonesia.
“Prambanan Temples, Yogyakarta, Indonesia. These are set of 240 temples. The biggest is Shiva temple. It faces Nandi temple, flanked by the Brahma and Vishnu temples. Hamsa and Garuda temples face their riders’ temples. And 88% of Indonesia’s population is Muslim. #coexistence,” tweeted Bhatt.
Prambanan Temples, Yogyakarta, Indonesia. These are set of 240 temples. The biggest is Shiva temple. It faces Nandi temple, flanked by the Brahma and Vishnu temples. Hamsa and Garuda temples face their riders’ temples.
And 88% of Indonesia's population is Muslim.#coexistence
— Sanjiv Bhatt (IPS) (@sanjivbhatt) May 20, 2018
Bhatt, who seems to be ultra-secular with his viewpoints, had earlier in a tweet, regarding the Kathua rape and murder tragedy said ‘what would have happened if the situation was reversed in the Kathua rape case’ and the criminals were Muslims.
“Just imagine how Indian media and public would have reacted to a Hindu girl being abducted, abused, raped and killed by several Muslim men while being hidden inside a mosque? All Hindus who are silent about this ghastly crime that has been committed in their name are complicit,” he wrote in a post.
Just imagine how Indian media and public would have reacted to a Hindu girl being abducted, abused, raped and killed by several Muslim men while being hidden inside a mosque?
All Hindus who are silent about this ghastly crime that has been committed in their name are complicit.
— Sanjiv Bhatt (IPS) (@sanjivbhatt) April 11, 2018