New Delhi: Imam of Jama Masjid Delhi Shahi Imam Syed Ahmed Bukhari said various parties have been releasing election manifestos for the past 70 years and have been making tall promises to people in general and Muslims in particular, that include providing security to Muslims, eliminating their economic backwardness, forming various commissions, preserving the minority status of their educational institutions etc. but the question arises were the promises ever fulfilled? Had they fulfilled the promises, they would not need to lure voters with their promises. The people themselves would have supported them.
Imam Bukhari claimed that various parties use Muslims as vote bank at the time of the election. Had they fulfilled the promises made during the previous elections, they need not have to make fresh promises? He questioned, are the issues of education, employment, security not related to people of other religious, are they the problems of Muslims alone?
Shahi Imam said, it is the constitutional responsibility of the government to provide all these, to all sections of the society, but it is unfortunate that they are made political agenda to gather votes. Many commissions were formed in the past but nothing was done on the basis of the report submitted by them.
Including all these issues in the election manifesto is nothing but fooling Muslims. Parties should stop fooling people from now, he said.