Hyderabad: A special session on Laser and a session on Optic Activity were organized today on the second day of the National Urdu Science Congress 2020 at Maulana Azad National Urdu University.
The laser session was organized to Commemorate 60 Years of Laser Innovation. The chief guest, Prof. Zahid Hussain Khan, UNESCO’s National Node for India, while addressing the session spoke about the history of LASER and it’s applications and significance. Twenty four Noble prizes in Physics were awarded for LASER and LASER based Technologies, he informed. He also briefed about various activities conducted under UNESCO to celebrate ‘International Day of Light’.
Prof. Syed Rahman, Professor, Dept. of Physics, Osmania University, presided over the session. Dr. Priya Hasan, Assistant Professor Physics spoke about the basic principals of laser and Dr. Abdul Moiz Shams, who is Eye specialist by profession briefed about medical applications of LASER, especially in the field of ophthalmology. Prof. S. N. Hasan, Dept. of Mathematics, Dr. Priya Hasan and Mudassir Raja, Ph. D. Scholar presented laser demonstration. Dr. Rizwan ul Haq Ansari, Assistant Professor, Physics convened the laser session.
Street Play promoting Girls’ Education held at MANUU

Hyderabad: Department of Social Work in collaboration with My Choices Foundation has initiated a forum called Peace Champions where volunteers are trained to aware and sensitize students at universities and colleges and also in slum communities on gender issues.
As part of this initiative, a Street Play on Gender Sensitization with a theme ‘Samaj ko aage badhana hai to ladki ko bhi padhana hai’ was performed yesterday by students of Social Work.
Through the play, students have demonstrated that how our society justifies female subordination and their confinement to home. Male members of society need to understand that women’s education and empowerment are central to the development of family and society.
‘Efforts like these are much needed to break misconceptions of our society on the one hand and to hone the skill of Social work students on the other’, opined Prof. Mohd Shahid. He expressed that this initiative would have a greater impact on the mind of young students in colleges and universities to appreciate and uphold the values of gender diversity. Prof. Md Shahid Raza, Head Department appreciated the efforts of Peace Champion volunteers.The play was attended by Volunteers of Gender Champion from other colleges, MANUU students and staff.
Md Zubair Ahmad awarded Ph.D. in Library Science
Hyderabad: Mr. Md Zubair Ahmad S/o Mr. Md. Tabark, awarded a PhD in Library and Information Science. He has worked on the topic “Implementation of library automation in Central Universities of Telangana State: A Study” from Bharathiar University, Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu.
He did his M.Lib from Delhi University and M.Phil from Algappa University. Md. Zubair Ahmad is serving as Semi-Professional Assistant for the past twelve years at the Center for Urdu Culture Studies, Maulana Azad National Urdu University.