Congress Party’s Secundrabad Parliamentary candidate Anjan Kumar Yadav visited CPI party headquarter Makhdoom Bhavan on Thursday and sought support from Left. Former MP and National President Insaaf Syed Azeez Pasha, CPI Greater Hyderabad General Secretary E T Narsimha and others can also be seen. (Photo: Zabi)
Congress Party’s Secundrabad Parliamentary candidate Anjan Kumar Yadav visited CPI party headquarter Makhdoom Bhavan on Thursday and sought support from Left. Former MP and National President Insaaf Syed Azeez Pasha, CPI Greater Hyderabad General Secretary E T Narsimha and others can also be seen. (Photo: Zabi)
Congress Party’s Secundrabad Parliamentary candidate Anjan Kumar Yadav visited CPI party headquarter Makhdoom Bhavan on Thursday and sought support from Left. Former MP and National President Insaaf Syed Azeez Pasha, CPI Greater Hyderabad General Secretary E T Narsimha and others can also be seen. (Photo: Zabi)
Congress Party’s Secundrabad Parliamentary candidate Anjan Kumar Yadav visited CPI party headquarter Makhdoom Bhavan on Thursday and sought support from Left. Former MP and National President Insaaf Syed Azeez Pasha, CPI Greater Hyderabad General Secretary E T Narsimha and others can also be seen. (Photo: Zabi)
Congress Party’s Secundrabad Parliamentary candidate Anjan Kumar Yadav visited CPI party headquarter Makhdoom Bhavan on Thursday and sought support from Left. Former MP and National President Insaaf Syed Azeez Pasha, CPI Greater Hyderabad General Secretary E T Narsimha and others can also be seen. (Photo: Zabi)
Congress Party’s Secundrabad Parliamentary candidate Anjan Kumar Yadav visited CPI party headquarter Makhdoom Bhavan on Thursday and sought support from Left. Former MP and National President Insaaf Syed Azeez Pasha, CPI Greater Hyderabad General Secretary E T Narsimha and others can also be seen. (Photo: Zabi)
Congress Party’s Secundrabad Parliamentary candidate Anjan Kumar Yadav visited CPI party headquarter Makhdoom Bhavan on Thursday and sought support from Left. Former MP and National President Insaaf Syed Azeez Pasha, CPI Greater Hyderabad General Secretary E T Narsimha and others can also be seen. (Photo: Zabi)
Congress Party’s Secundrabad Parliamentary candidate Anjan Kumar Yadav visited CPI party headquarter Makhdoom Bhavan on Thursday and sought support from Left. Former MP and National President Insaaf Syed Azeez Pasha, CPI Greater Hyderabad General Secretary E T Narsimha and others can also be seen. (Photo: Zabi)