Are your nails brittle, discoloured, growing slowly, weak or easily breakable? Use different mixtures like olive oil and lemon juice or soak your hands in some beer, suggest experts.
Aashmeen Munjaal, celebrity make-up artist, and Ridhi Arya, dermatologist at Me Clinic, have rolled out tips:
Olive oil and lemon juice mixture: Apply the mixture of a teaspoon of olive oil and a few drops of lemon juice to your nails and massage it thoroughly, let it soak in, then slip soft manicure gloves on and let the mixture work its magic overnight.
Sea salt treatment: Mix together two teaspoons of fine sea salt with two drops each of lemon juice or oil, myrrh oil and wheat germ oil. Put this mixture in Luke warm water and soak you hands for 10-15 minutes. Repeat it twice a week.
Beer therapy: Take a half cup of beer, mix it with warm quarter of a cup of olive oil and apple cider vinegar. Now soak your hands in the mixture for 10 minutes until the nutrients get soaked in.