Samsung Galaxy S10 comes with built-in cryptocurrency wallet

Seoul: Cryptocurrency is yet to be adopted by global economies, but that is no deterrent for Samsung which added a built-in cold storage wallet for the digital currency.

The latest Galaxy S10 flagship smartphone comes with the built-in cryptocurrency wallet that allows users to store bitcoin Ethereum and cryptocurrency Cosmo Coin. As it is a cold storage wallet, it is not connected to the internet, The Verge reported.

The flagship smartphone also comes with support for select decentralized apps called Dapps. Currently, the support is for Dapp called Cosmee that allows users to earn cosmo tokens in exchange for putting up beauty reviews in the app.

In addition to Ethereum and CosmoCoin, Samsung has also announced support for Enjin Coin which is Ethereum-based currency for gamers. The company said it would also support contactless payments using cryptocurrency.
