Hyderabad on this Saturday witnessed a cultural event like never before. Charminar was the venue for the third event of Hyderabad Arts Festival(HAF), a three month long festival which kicked off in the first week of April the sole objective of celebrating the spirit of Hyderabad. The HAF got fillip from State Government for managing to get Charminar as the venue for the event.
The event was graced by well over a thousand audience of which include Senior Police Officer Anjan Kumar, Jayesh Ranajan, IT Secretary and city’s well known socialites and other graced the event.
“I didn’t want to miss this rare opportunity. We don’t get many opportunities to sit infront of Charminar quietly and listen to soul stirring Qawaali and Sufi music said Amar Ohri of Ohri Group of Hotels. Charminar is most famous Historical place of Hyderabad and Telangana. We can say there is equal importance of Charminar as Taj mahal in Agra and Eiffel Tower in Paris. Even Charminar is included in top 10 historical places of India. These kind of performances must be allowed at Charminar, so that city gets promoted,” many who witnessed the performance observed.
The Sabri Brothers from Jaipur are known worldwide. Their Sufi poetry took us into a trance. The Qawwali made my pulse racing and we were glued to their singing with their in between commentary and the wit. It was a magical event commented Ajay Agarwal, a retired banker.
Sabri Brother made a simple appearance. Started singing with traditional greetings. “It is a rare opportunity to perform in front of 425years old Monument and a Mosque. We are indeed honoured, they declared. We have a honour of performing at various places across the globe, but this performance is something very unique for us. Also because you Hyderabadi’s are known as lovely audience. Every time we come we get great reception here,” they declared.
It was a non ticketed program. Where audience were allowed to witness free of cost , but had to book it online and then attend. (INN)