Russia: Women survive after slipping from swing off 6,000-ft cliff

Ever feared the high footed rides in amusement parks? Well, your dread just came true as two women enjoying the time of their lives suddenly fell off a swing on the edge of a 6,300-foot cliff in Russia.

They, however, escaped with minor injuries.

According to the reports by Daily Mail, the two ladies were taking a ride on the swing over Sulak Canyon, at the Russian Republic of Dagestan, when suddenly one of its chains just snapped and sent them falling off the cliff edge.

Lucky for them, there was a small wooden platform placed just beyond the cliff edge which possibly broke their fall and saved their lives. The ladies fortunately escaped with just minor scratches, though they were left shaken by the incident. 

A source in law enforcement told the Komsomolskaya Pravda, a daily Russian tabloid newspaper, “Neither of the women suffered serious injuries, yet it is chilling to imagine what could have happened if they slipped when the swings were at a maximum height,”  

Police have now launched an investigation into how the huge safety error had occurred, while The Ministry of Tourism in Dagestan, Russia said, “the swing did not meet safety standards and that law enforcement agencies and other services are already conducting relevant checks to ensure that nothing such threatening ever happens again in the future.”