TRS leadership today lashed out at Telugu Desam MP TG Venkatesh for his derogatory and provocative remarks against its MP K Keshav Rao. The TDP leader will face serious consequences if he failed to refrain from making such bad comments against the TRS leadership, MLC and spokesman Karne Prabhakar warned.
Addressing the media at Telangana Bhavan here, Prabhakar dubbed the TDP leader’s comments as mindless and create conflicts among Telugu people. TG Venkatesh should be immediately admitted to a mental hospital, he said. The TRS leader vehemently condemned the comments that Keshav Rao was a ‘drunkard’ and a ‘Sannasi’ as was allegedly stated by TG Venkatesh. TDP Chief and Andhra Pradesh Chief Minister N Chandrababu Naidu should control Venkatesh from talking nonsense, he said, adding that the TD leader has no stature to make comments against K Keshav Rao.
Karne Prabhakar expressed displeasure over TG’s comments as that will flare up fresh fights among people of two Telugu States. The TD leader seems to be indulging in creating disputes among the Telugu people, he suspected. Though the TDP’s disgruntled leader was indulging in such malicious campaign against the ruling party leaders in Telangana, Chandrababu failed to prevent mad people like TG Venkatesh from barking. He also hit out at the TD leader for resorting to blemish the State government with regard to Special Status Category being sought by the Andhra Pradesh, he said. The TRS MP Kavitha had already voiced in Parliament in support of Special Status to AP, he recalled. (NSS)