State Minister for Endowments Ramachandraiah today informed the Legilsative Council that the government had spent Rs 9.41 crore on Vedaparayana scheme in Tirumala Tirupati Devasthanams (TTD) for 2011-12. While replying to a question raised in the Council by Judpudi Prabhakara Rao (Congress), the Minister said there was no confusion in implementation of G.O.Ms 3, in which nine category grades were mentioned, for the employees working in TTD on contract and outsourcing basis.
The GO, related to salary fixation, was already adopted to some of the employees in TTD but was not being implemented to other categories like flowers workers, scavengers and security guards working on contract basis due non-mentioning of their grade in the GO, the Minister informed. The file was referred to the Labour Department by the finance wing for clarification and it will be considered shortly, he added. UNI