Two days after the alleged recovery of beef from BJP leader’s house in Dewas district of Madhya Pradesh, the right-wing activists on Friday demanded the removal of mutton and chicken shops from the town.
Saying these shops near temples and schools hurts their sentiment, the right-wing activist ask the complete clouser of the shops.
It is to be noted that MP Police on Wednesday arrested a BJP leader and four of his relatives for allegedly slaughtering a cow at his home in Tonkkhurd, about 30km from Dewas.
Right-wing activists allegedly claim that they heard a cow mooing in pain inside and seized meat and a skinned head that they claimed its of a cow.
All meat shops in the town are owned by Muslims, who have alleged that right-wing outfits have launched a campaign targeting them.
“It is their government. I don’t know what they wrote but it was not cow meat,’’ said Anwar’s elder brother. Anwar was vice-president of BJP’s district minority cell, but was expelled after the incident.
However the Maulana of local Mosque calls for the family boycott: “I gave a call for boycotting the family during my Friday namaz if the laboratory report confirms it as a cow meat.”