Hyderabad: News Editor of Siasat Urdu Daily, Mr. Amer Ali Khan clarified the reason for launching reservation campaign from the districts and told that had he started this movement from Hyderabad city, it would have been presumed that he had political motives. He clarified that he had no political ambitions and he is not launching any political front against MIM. He further clarify that Siasat is not making an attempt to form a new political party. When the people sitting in the portals of power neglected the issue of 12% reservation for Muslims, Siasat Urdu Daily, accepting its professional obligation came forward.
Mass scale recruitments are going to take place in Telangana State. It is therefore necessary that Muslims should struggle for getting their rights through 12% reservation. They are organizing group meetings, rallies, hunger strikes and other democratic means to get their demands resolved. This movement is not against any party. It is also not in favour of any political party. It is only to benefit the Muslims. Muslims are being gathered on a common platform rising above their political associations. It is yielding positive results. He thanked all the Muslims who participated in this movement.
–Siasat News