Raw Deal to Champion of the Innocent

Mr. L Ravi Chander, Advocate investigating the arrests and allegations of the cases filed against the rounded up Muslim youth immediately after the Makkah Masjid blasts has been meted out a raw deal .

He is simply being denied his remuneration though he was formally and officially hired by the A.P Minorities commission.

No fees or rumenaration for investigating and recording the pleas and complaints of the parents of the innocent Muslim youth arrested and thrown in cell- seems to be the policy of the State Government.

Advocate L. Ravi Chander had gone out of his way painstakingly and laboriously going from pillar to post recording the statements of the arrested and incarcerated youth and their dazed families. The moment the report was tabled and made public there was panic among the Judiciary and Government circles with the real and harsh facts coming to the fore.

When Ravi Chander went to the Cherapally Jail , where the rounded up MuslimYouth are held on trumped up charges without any proof or trail or recourse to legal aid he was firmly told by a State Minister that he has no permission to meet the jailed youth.
Despite being denied permission, the Advocate kept up his pursuits doggedly to bring to light the truth, hearing his inner voice of conscience with a genuine human concern.

Kudos to Ravi Chander’s sincerity and daring ! Despite the official hampering and blocking he tabled the report and made the facts public.

But the Government has so far taken no action.

Mr. Ravi Chander had taken up the investigation on the request of the then A.P Minorities Commission, President, Mr. Yousuf Qureshi.. Mr Querishi’s term too has expired and he too is helpless in getting Mr. Ravi Chander, his due renumeration.

When asked, Mr.Ravi Chander seems to be least bothered about not getting his dues as he says hearing the pleas and woes of the innocent youth and their parents and families , it was worth taking all the pains on humanitarian grounds. My only concern was how to provide relief to these innocent and wronged youth and their families and see that justice is done to them by immediate release. And how to initiate action against and bring to book all the corrupt and irresponsible officers who arrested and implicated these innocent youth and held them in jails without any trials and put their families through untold misery and trauma .

This good samaritan’s selfless service of investigation and unearthing of the facts of atrocities committed on innocent Muslim youth seems to have gone futile.

For what action did the government take when the report was tabled?

Simply sent it to cold storage!