Pune: The 41-year-old woman who has filed a rape case against Rohit Tilak, the gread grandson of freedom fighter Bal Gangadhar Tilak, today demanded that he be subjected to a narco test.
Speaking to reporters, she claimed to possess the record of around 2,000 calls and messages purportedly sent to her by Tilak.
Advocate Tausif Shaikh, representing the complainant, said they have submitted the details of the call records and messages in the court.
The woman lodged a complaint against Tilak (38) on July 17 accusing him of forcing her to have sex with him since March 2015 under the pretext of marriage.
She said even on July 5, when she and Tilak met last, the latter attempted to sexually assault her.
“However, I foild his bid and bit him on his hand and shoulder. Police should conduct his medical examination. I demand that he (Tilak) be subjected to a narco test so that truth will surface and at the same time, I am also ready to undergo the test,” the woman told reporters.
Meanwhile, a police protection was provided to the complainant who had claimed to have received “acid attack” threats from two unidentified persons who asked her to withdraw the case against Tilak.
In the FIR registered by the Vishrambaug Police, the woman had alleged that Tilak repeatedly raped her on the pretext of marrying her and also forced her into “unnatural sex”.
The police had slapped charges of rape, unnatural offences, voluntarily causing hurt, insult with an intent to provoke breach of peace and criminal intimidation under the Indian Penal Code against Tilak.
A local court in Pune on July 21 granted protection from arrest to Tilak.
Earlier, the complainant had claimed before the media that she was under great pressure as she received “death threats” from Tilak’s family.