Hyderabad: Police got perturbed with the invitation extended to BJP MP Sakshi Maharaj on the occasion of Ram Navami falling on Friday. It is reported that BJP MLA, Raja Singh convened a meeting of Ram Navami volunteers at Rani Avanti Bai Community Hall in which it was informed Sakshi Maharaj is being invited for Ram Navami.
Knowing this, police became alert and police officials are eliciting details of the visit of BJP MP. Hindu organizations take out a central procession on the occasion of Rama Navami started from Dhulpet at 10 a.m. on Friday, 15th April which passes through sensitive areas like Asif Nagar, Bhoiguda Kaman, Agahpura, Habeeb Nagar, Mala Kunta, Koti and ends at Ram Mandir, Gowliguda.
Bhagya Nagar Sri Rama Navami Utsav Samiti has also invited Vambhoji Batlay of Bhopal.
Commission of Hyderabad City Police, Mr. M. Mahendra Reddy told that elaborate arrangements are being made for the procession. CCTV will record the activists of the procession. Police has prepared a plan to take immediate action in case of any incitements.
–Siasat News