Mumbai,May 29: In the wake of the Dharavi cylinder blast, which injured six children last week, the railway police busted a racket where gas from domestic LPG cylinders was filled into tins. These tins were sold to jewellery manufacturers in the suburbs.
Vikas Chaurasia (20) and Munna Sekhasaria (32) have been arrested. All railway policemen were on the alert for inflammable substances being carried on trains.
The Special Operations unit then found a gang operating near Malad railway station. Gas from Bharat and HP cylinders was being filled into cans. Jewellery manufacturers from Mira Road, Bhayandar and Kandivli bought these cans for using them at work.
“Chaurasia was running the racket from his residence while Sekhasaria was assisting him,” DCP V M Koregaokar said. During a raid at Chaurasia’s residence, the railway police found 13 domestic LPG cylinders, 233 empty gas tins, 10 full gas tins and four nozzle stands.
The seizure is collectively worth Rs 43,938.