New Delhi: Union Minister Smriti Irani on Wednesday mounted a scathing attack on Congress while asserting that Congress MP Shashi Tharoor’s alleged defamatory statement on Kumbh and Hindu beliefs was made with the tactical support of the Congress president Rahul Gandhi.
Speaking to media, Irani said: “It is appalling that a Congress MP, with the tactical support of his president Rahul Gandhi, has indulged in smearing of the Kumbh. Crores of Hindus across the world consider Kumbh not only as a part of their faith but they throng to Prayagraj, as Sanatan Dharm tells us that Kumbh is a place where Tapasvis (sage) come for the betterment of mankind.”
“Shashi Tharoor has made a statement which tantamounts to a religious slur. This has been done with the tactical support of Congress party and the question needs to be asked to Rahul Gandhi who strategically wears a ‘Janau’ only when there are polls. He must be asked as to why he has allowed this attack on the beliefs of millions of Hindus across the world,” she further added.
Intensifying her attack on the Congress president, she further said that Rahul’s silence on the issue was an evidence that it was done at his behest only.
“The fact that Rahul Gandhi chooses to be quiet and the Congress party representative continues his attack on Hindu traditions and faith are an indication to the entire community that this attack on Kumbh has been mounted at the direction of the Congress president,” Irani stated.
BJP’s criticism comes a day after, the Congress MP from Thiruvananthapuram posted on twitter, “Ganga bhi swachh rakhni hain, aur paap bhi yahi dhone hain. Iss Sangam mein sab nange hain. Jai Ganga Maiya ki!” (Ganga has to be kept clean and sins also have to be washed there. In this Sangam everyone is naked. Hail Goddess Ganga!).”
Earlier in the day, BJP spokesman Nalin Kohli had also stated that such comments on Hindu practices by an educated person like Tharoor is very unfortunate.
“This is very unfortunate. An extremely educated and respected person like Tharoor always comes up with such kind of comments related to practices of the Hindu religion,” Kohli said.