Questions & answers about the holy Quran

Q.1: How many times has the Bismillahir Rahmaanir Raheem appeared in the Quran?
A.1: 114 times

Q.2: What is the first thing that Almighty Allah created?
A.2: The Noor (Light) of our Prophet (sall Allaho alaihi wasallam)

Q.3: Where did the first revelation of the Quran descend?
A.3: In the Cave of Hira

Q.4: Which Surah was the first to be revealed?
A.4: Surah Alaq

Q.5: How many Sajdahs are there in the Quran?
A.5: Fourteen Sajdahs

Q.6: How many Surahs are there in the Quran?
A.6: 114

Q.7: Which is that Surah that once read, it gives the reward of reciting ten Quran?
A.7: Surah Yaaseen Shareef

Q.8: Which Surah is regarded as the Heart of the Quran?
A.8: Surah Yaaseen Shareef

Q.9: In which year and by which leaders were the punctuation signs put into the Quran (Fatah, Damma and Kasra)?
A.9: through the command of Hujaaj ibn Yusuf in the year 143 Hijri

Q.10: Which Surah was revealed twice?
A.10: Surah Faateha

Q.11: On which day did the first revelation descend?
A.11: On a Monday

Q.12: How many Names of Allah are mentioned in the Quran?
A.12: ninety nine

Q.13: Which is the longest Surah in the Quran?
A.13: Surah Baqarah

Q.14: Which is the shortest Surah in the Quran?
A.14: Surah Kauthar

Q.15: How many Manzils are there in the Quran?
A.15: Seven

Q.16: Which is the most exalted verse of the Quran?
A.16: Ayatul Kursi

Q.17: Which Surah in the Quran has the name of a blessed woman?
A.17: Surah Maryam

Q.18: Which is the only Sahabi, whose name is mentioned in the Quran?
A.18: Hazrat Zaid bin Haaritha (radi Allahu anhu)

Q.19: How many times did the blessed name Muhammad (sall Allaho alaihi wasallam) appear in the Quran?
A.19: Four times

Q.20: Which are those two Surahs of the Quran whose names are reputed with only one Alphabet each?
A.20: Surah Saad and Surah Qaaf

Q.21: Which two Surahs have been regarded as quarter of the Quran?
A.21: Surah Zilzaal and Surah Kaafiroon

Q.22: Which Surah, if read thrice gives the merit of reciting the entire Quran?
A.22: Surah Ikhlaas

Q.23: Our Nabi’s (sall Allaho alaihi wasallam) blessed name Ahmed has appeared how many times in the Quran?
A.23: Once

Q.24: Which one individual blessed females name is mentioned in the Quran?
A.24: Bibi Maryam

Q.25: Who did the most appropriate and self-explanatory translation of the Quran in Urdu?
A.25: Aala Hazrat Imam Ahmed Raza (radi Allahu anhu)

Q.26: What is the name of the Quran Translation by Aala Hazrat (radi Allahu anhu)?
A.26: Kanzul Imaan

Q.27: Which is that first Surah where the Ayat of Sajdah was revealed?
A.27: Surah Najm

Q…28: How many names of Ambia (Prophets) are mentioned in the Quran?
A.28: Twenty Five

Q.29: How many names of Angels are mentioned in the Quran?
A.29: Twelve

Q…30: Which Islamic months are mentioned in the Quran?
A.30: Ramadaan

Q.31: The names of which Jinns are mentioned in the Holy Quran?
A.31: Only the name of Iblees?

Q.32: Which Battle has the Name of One Surah?
A.32: Surah Ahzaab

Q.33: The Name of Which Surah is named after a basic pillar of Islam?
A.33: Surah Al Haj

Q. 34: In Surah Rahman, how many times ‘fabi ayye aalahi rabbikuma tukazziban’ is used?
A.34: 31 times

Questions and answers about HAZRAT ADAM (alaihis salaam)
HAZRAT ADAM (alaihis salaam)

Q.34: Which Nabi (alaihis salaam) was the first to come on earth?
A.34: Nabi Adam (alaihis salaam)

Q.35: Who was the first human from whom the human race came into existence?
A.35: Hazrat Adam (alaihis salaam)

Q.36: How was Hazrat Hawa created?
A.36: From the left rib of Hazrat Adam (alaihis salaam)

Q.37: On which day was Hazrat Adam (alaihis salaam) born?
A.37: On a Friday

Q.38: When there was an argument between the two sons of Hazrat Adam (alaihis salaam), who was killed?
A.38: Qaabil killed Haabil

Q.39: Who killed who first on earth?
A.39: Qaabil killed Haabil

Q.40: For what reason did Adam (alaihis salaam) get excellence over the Angels?
A.40: Because of Allah’s Grace and due to knowledge

Q.41: From whom did humans learn about making graves?
A.41: From a crow

Q.42: What was the name of the woman because of whom the first human was killed on earth?
A.42: Aqleema

Q.43: Which Prophet (alaihis salaam) did our Nabi (sall Allaho alaihi wasallam) meet on the first sky?
A.43: Hazrat Adam (alaihis salaam)

Q.44: Concerning which Nabi (alaihis salaam) is it well known that he reached Sarandib ( Sri Lanka ) and his sign is also famous there?
A.44: Hazrat Adam (alaihis salaam)

Q.45: Where and when did Hazrat Adam and Hazrat Hawa (alaihimas salaam) meet?
A.45: On the 9th of Zulhijjah at Arafaat

Q.46: Which language did Hazrat Adam (alaihis salaam) speak in Paradise ?
A.46: Arabic

Q.47: Which human was born without a mother?
A.47: Hazrat Hawa

Q.48: How was Qaabil, the first murderer killed on this earth?
A.48: His blind son struck him with stones until he died

Q.49: How many Divine Books (Saheefas) were revealed upon Hazrat Adam (alaihis salaam)?
A.49: Ten Questions and answers about HAZRAT SHEETH (alaihis salaam)
HAZRAT SHEETH (alaihis salaam)

Q.50: After Hazrat Adam (alaihis salaam), which Nabi came to the earth?
A.50: Hazrat Sheeth (alaihis salaam)

Q.51: How many Saheefas were revealed upon Hazrat Sheeth (alaihis salaam)?
A.51: Fifty

Q.52: Which Nabi (alaihis salaam) first had growth of the beard hair?
A.52: Hazrat Sheeth (alaihis salaam)

Q.53: Who invented the first hat (topi) and the first shoe?

A.53: Hazrat Sheeth (alaihis salaam) Questions and answers about HAZRAT IDREES (alaihis salaam)
HAZRAT IDREES (alaihis salaam)

Q.54: Who was the first person to write with a pen?
A.54: Hazat Idrees (alaihis salaam)

Q.55: Which Prophet first introduced measures and weight?
A.55: Hazrat Idrees (alaihis salaam)

Q.56: Who first introduced sewing?
A.56: Hazrat Idrees (alaihis salaam)

Q.57: Which was the first Nabi to be raised alive into the skies?
A.57: Hazrat Idrees (alaihis salaam)

Q.58: What the Name of Hazrat Nooh’s (alaihis salaam) great grandfather?

A.58: Hazrat Idrees (alaihis salaam) Questions and answers about HAZRAT NOOH (alaihis salaam)
HAZRAT NOOH (alaihis salaam)

Q.59: During the time of which Nabi (alaihis salaam) did a huge flood occur wherein all the people were destroyed except those who were on the Ark ?
A.59: Hazrat Nooh (alaihis salaam)

Q.60: Which Nabi (alaihis salaam) propagated religion for more then 950 years?
A.60: Hazrat Nooh (alaihis salaam)

Q.61: What was the name of the son of Hazrat Nooh (alaihis salaam) who refused to sit in the ark and was thus destroyed?

A.61: Kin’aan

Q.62: On which date; did the Ark of Hazrat Nooh (alaihis salaam) anchor on Mount Jodi ?

A.62: 10th of Muharram

Q.63: Why is Hazrat Nooh (alaihis salaam) known as Adam Thaani (The Second)?

A.63: after the Floods only his children were left alive and all people on earth today are from his children.

Q.64: How many divine books were revealed upon Hazrat Nooh (alaihis salaam)?
A.64: Ten

Q.65: For how many consecutive days did it rain during the great floods?
A.65: Forty nights and days continuously

Q.66: During the great floods, from where did water first start to gush?
A.66: From Tanoor