Health Minister Dr C Lakshma Reddy today instructed the officials of his department to ensure that the people who do not have money due to scrapping of big notes got timely and proper treatment. Having taken stock of the situation arousing out of demonetization and the hardships faced by the people for money, he has asked the health officials to provide healthcare as usual without causing problem to the people.
The Government has taken every step to see that the hospitals are equipped with medicines, staff and doctors to provide better health services to the people, he claimed. The Minister directed the hospital authorities to ensure treatment to the patients under Arogyasri, EHS, JHS and other schemes in the state. The officials and staff should offer services on continuous basis and till the last patient was treated during late hours Lakshma Reddy said. There shall not be any complaints of denial of health services though out-patient rush is increased, the health minister said. The hospitals and health centers should provide better health services to the people avoiding any problem, he directed at a review meeting with the officials. Lakshma Reddy stated that the people can avail health facilities at all hospitals which are ready to treat them. (NSS)