Demanding the Chief Minister K Chandrasekhar Rao to tell as to why he met Andhra Pradesh Chief Minister N Chandrababu Naidu secretly, Congress MLC Ponguleti Sudhakar Reddy has alleged that KCR has entered into match fixing with Chandrababu by mortgaging the interests of the Telangana state.
Speaking to the media here on Tuesday, Ponguleti alleged that the Chief Minister failed to fulfil the rights for which the Telangana people fought all these days. He asked KCR, who had earlier demanded Chandrababu Naidu to redesign the Polavaram project, to tell as to why he was not taking care of the issue now. Both Krishna and Godavari river authorities become as ‘Chandrababu authorities’, he alleged and asked Godavari river authority to tell as to why it was not deciding the Telangana share of Godavari waters. (NSS)